The Ultimate Perplexing Guide to Bordelaise Sauce with Marrowbones

If you’re a lover of traditional French cuisine, chances are you’ve heard of Bordelaise sauce. This flavorful and rich condiment is a must-have in many fancy restaurants because it boasts deep flavors. It can be served alongside a variety of dishes, but did you know that adding bone marrow will take its taste to another level? Welcome to The Ultimate Perplexing Guide to Bordelaise Sauce with Marrowbones – in this blog post we will talk about its roots, ingredients used and give step-by-step instructions on how you can make this luxurious sauce at home.

Origins of the Bordelaise Sauce

Bordelaise sauce is one among many classic French sauces hailing from Bordeaux region which is well known for wine production. The name comes after this region where dry reds are traditionally used as an ingredient giving it that deep taste characteristic to itself. Beef especially steak pairs most often with bordelais though lamb or veal also goes well along.

It falls under what French call “sauces mères” meaning mother sauces even though technically speaking; espagnole happens to be its derivative being one among five mother sauces in their culinary tradition. Some common elements found in basic bordelais include red wine, shallots, demi-glace, butter and various herbs too like thyme among others however nothing compares to what bone marrow does for this luxurious treat.

Why Should Bone Marrow Be Added In Making A Bordelaise Sauce?

Bone marrow refers to a soft fatty substance contained within bones usually those from cattle but sometimes others too such as pigs or chickens may have some also depending on what part we’re talking about here (e.g., shanks). It has been described by chefs worldwide as silky when cooked rightly while bearing an intense flavor all on its own which can best be described as unique. For instance, if used in Bordelaise sauce, it adds another dimension of richness altogether making the dish more decadent than before.

As if that is not enough; bone marrow carries with itself high nutritive value including collagen proteins together with essential fats among other things required by our bodies for good health. It supplies vitamins like A and B12 as well as minerals such as zinc, iron or calcium thus incorporating bones into bordelais doesn’t only enhance taste but also makes a meal healthier.

Health Benefits Associated With Bone Marrows

Before we go any further into knowing how to prepare this recipe at home, let us first take cognizance of the following health advantages related to using bone marrows while making your Bordelaise sauce:

Nutritious: Bones contain various nutrients which are important for overall body functions such healthy fats, vitamins and minerals. Collagen found within bone tissues helps in supporting joint functions while promoting skin elasticity.

Enhances Strong Bones: Calcium plus phosphorous minerals necessary for ensuring teeth remain strong throughout life can be obtained from these parts of an animal’s skeleton system commonly referred to as “marrowbones”.

Strengthens Immune System: Many different kinds of nourishing substances reside in one place called “bone marrow” that contributes towards enhancing natural defenses against diseases or infections such zinc ions alongside Vitamin A which acts like antioxidants thereby improving immunity within human beings’ bodies.

Aids digestion:Gelatine contained in gel-like substance called collagen fibers present between cells lining intestines provides support during food breakdown process thereby making easier to pass through walls into bloodstreams where they get absorbed

Ingredients you need for Bordelaise Sauce with Bone Marrow

To create The Ultimate Guide to Bordelaise Sauce with Bone Marrow, here are the ingredients that you will need:

For the Bordelaise Sauce:

1 cup of dry red wine (preferably Bordeaux)

2 tablespoons of finely chopped shallots

2 cups beef stock or demi-glace

2 sprigs of fresh thyme

1 bay leaf

4 tablespoons of cold unsalted butter, cubed

Salt and pepper to taste

For the Bone Marrow:

4 beef marrow bones (sawed into 2-inch pieces)

Salt and pepper

1 tablespoon of chopped fresh parsley (optional)

Step by step guide on how to make Bordelaise Sauce with Bone Marrow

Step 1: Prepare the Bone Marrow

Soak the Bones: The first thing you should do is soak your marrow bones in cold water for about 12-24 hours before cooking. Make sure to change the water a few times during this process as it helps in getting rid of any impurities and blood which leads to a cleaner taste overall.

Roast the Marrow: Preheat your oven up to 450°F (230°C). Season your marrow bones with some salt and pepper then put them in an oven-safe dish. Roast these bones for around 15-20 minutes or until their marrows become soft enough that they slightly jiggle when touched gently; be careful not overcook because if you do so, most part of its content will melt away.

Scoop Out the Marrow: Once roasted, let them cool down a bit but still warm enough then use small spoons or melon baller scoop out all those deliciousness from within each one separately – don't mix together! Keep warm where necessary.

Step 2: Make the Bordelaise Sauce

Reduce Wine: Take a medium-sized saucepan; pour red wine into it along with shallots. Boil this mixture before lowering heat to medium-low and allowing simmering until wine has been reduced by half which is approximately 10-15 minutes.

Add Stock and Herbs: When your wine gets reduced, add either beef stock or demi-glace plus thyme sprig(s) and bay leaf into that same saucepan; keep simmering until such a time when the sauce begins to thicken thus coating back of spoon usually takes about 15-20 minutes in most cases.

Strain the Sauce: Once you have removed from fire, pass through sieve lined with cheesecloth or fine mesh strainer into another clean pot throwing away solids left behind which ensures smooth velvety texture for optimal flavor development thereafter.

Incorporate Butter: Bring strained sauce back onto low heat then start whisking cold butter one piece at a time until all are completely melted; do not let boil because it might cause separation between different components used during preparation.

Season Sauce: Have a taste of your sauce so far and if need be; adjust saltiness by adding some more salt or pepper accordingly.

Step 3: Combine Bone Marrow with Sauce

Add Marrow: Take Bordelaise sauce fold gently together with reserved bone marrows stirring them properly so that everything mixes well up such that there is an extra layer of richness imparted into this dish after completing cooking stages involved hereabout.

Finish with Parsley: Finally sprinkle fresh chopped parsley over bordelaise sauce as garnish serve immediately alongside favorite meat cuts cooked using traditional methods like roasting, grilling among others

Roasted Lamb: Bordelaise sauce with bone marrow is a great accompaniment to roast lamb. The sauce’s rich flavors bring out the meat’s natural fattiness, for an unforgettable meal.

Braised Short Ribs: For a heartwarming and indulgent dish, pour the sauce over tender braised short ribs. The marrow in the sauce adds an extra layer of flavor that takes the ribs to another level.

Veal Chops: Bordelaise sauce is also perfect for veal chops. The light taste of the meat goes well with the strong-flavored gravy resulting in a balanced dish.

Grilled Vegetables: If you want something lighter, drizzle some over grilled vegetables like asparagus, mushrooms or eggplants. This gives savoryness to these items making them more satisfying options for vegetarians.

Tips in Making Bordelaise Sauce with Bone Marrow

Choose Your Wine Correctly. It’s important to use good quality red wine when making bordelaise sauce because it is one of its main ingredients. Though Bordeaux wine is traditional but any dry red wine having robust flavor will work perfectly.

Allow Enough Time for Reductions. If you want your bordelaise sauce full of flavors then let it slowly reduce stock and wine together. Allowing this will immensely concentrate its taste thereby becoming more complex and richer.

The Marrows Should Not Be Overcooked While roasting marrows ensure they don’t get cooked too much since they might melt away; instead they ought to be soft but still retain their shape when removed from bones.

Sieve Until Smooth Always strain before adding butter as well as marrow into sauce so as to achieve smooth velvety texture.

Seasoning May Need Some Tweaking Sometimes you may have to add more salt if necessary after tasting due richness brought by bone marrow which can sometimes require some balancing out with flavors.

Nutritional Information about Bordelaise Sauce with Bone Marrow

Even though bordelaise sauce with bone marrow is considered as a treat high in caloric value, it still has its health benefits:

Protein Content: Sauce made from beef stock and marrow provides enough proteins required for muscle growth and tissues repair.

Essential Fatty Acids: The inclusion of healthy fats into this sauce through marrows serves as important sources of energy that support various body functions.

Vitamins & Minerals: Marrow has B12 vitamin which keeps nerve cells healthy besides participating in DNA synthesis while A-vitamin enhances vision as well as immune system; additionally, there are iron, zinc and calcium minerals necessary for general wellbeing found in it too.

Collagen Production: This type of marrow contains collagen useful in improving digestion, promoting elasticity of skin and keeping joints supple.

Different Types of Bordelaise Sauces with Bone Marrow

Classic bordelaise sauce with bone marrow remains one among the best but variations can be made to suit individual taste such as:

Garlic Infused – You could add few cloves during reduction stage together with shallots and wine so that you end up having garlic flavored version of this popular French gravy. Such an addition brings about extra taste dimensions which blend perfectly alongside marrows.

Mushroomy – Finely chop some mushrooms then fry them until golden brown before including along shallots when making bordelaise sauce. Doing so will provide earthy umami-rich flavors not easily obtainable elsewhere while also serving as perfect accompaniment for rich bones extracts.

Shallot Bordelaise: This is a sauce that calls for shallots to be added to it in order to give an extra-oniony flavor. When you have bone marrow, which can be very rich tasting, the sweet taste of the shallots will help balance out all of the flavors and create a more well rounded sauce.

Herb Bordelaise: Instead of using thyme in your bordelaise sauce recipe try experimenting with other herbs like rosemary, tarragon or sage. Each herb has their own unique flavor profiles so they allow for customization according to personal preference when cooking this dish.

Spicy Bordelaise: If you are one of those people who likes things spicy then add just a pinch of cayenne pepper or red pepper flakes into the mix while making Spicy Bordelaise Sauce With Bone Marrow. The hotness factor adds an interesting contrast against such rich buttery flavors brought about by bone marrow itself during preparation.


The Ultimate Guide to Bordelaise Sauce with Bone Marrow takes you on a journey through its origins, health benefits and step by step process on how best make this luxurious French dish at home . Whether youre someone experienced in cooking or simply looking forward impressing friends ,family members or colleagues alike ; making bordelaise sauce with bone marrow recipes should be top priorities among others . It’s robustness in flavour coupled together velvety texture makes ideal choice any type meat as well vegetables when preparing any meal thereby turning ordinary foods into extraordinary ones .

In summary , these tips given throughout the guide ensures that each person can personalize their meals based upon what they prefer most about them ! Therefore next time one wants add glamour into his/her culinary skills let not him / her forget about Bordelaisse Sauce With Bone Marrow – A Tasty Delightful Recipe For All Occasions


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