Profiteroles with Chocolate: A Recipe for an Indulgent Dessert

With regards to rich desserts, Profiteroles with Chocolate: A Decadent Dessert Recipe is hard to top in terms of sophistication and taste. The light choux pastry filled with custard or whipped cream and covered in chocolate sauce that drips down the sides has been a favorite of people all over the world for many centuries. Whether you are having a dinner party or just want something special for yourself this is definitely worth trying as it offers such great combination of textures and flavors that will surely amaze anyone who tries them out! In this post I’ll go over where these little treats came from, how they are made step-by-step at home and some tips on perfecting this sweet treat.


The history behind Profiteroles with Chocolate: A Decadent Dessert Recipe dates back to sixteenth century France. Originally, profiteroles were not sweet rolls but rather small bread stuffed rolls which were filled with savory things like cheese or meat. However it was during seventeenth century when Marie-Antoine Carême – famous French chef – came up with pâte à choux that they started becoming what we know today as being delicious desserts!

Pâte à choux is actually just another name for choux pastry which forms base part of any good batch of profiteroles; however this dough can be cooked until hollow inside so that various types creams may then be piped into them later on after they have cooled down… And eventually somebody came up with an idea adding chocolate sauce on top too making these even more indulgent than before!!

Why choose Profiteroles with Chocolate?

Variety – there are plenty flavors which can used as fillings ranging from traditional vanilla custard through whipped cream right up ice cream itself! Toppings also allow different variations such dark milk white etc..

Presentation- Looking stack high croquembouche or simply serving them plate filled choux puffs makes very attractive dish indeed!

Taste – This light fluffy pastry combined with rich creamy filling covered by smooth shiny sauce creates well balanced dessert that satisfies your sweet tooth without being too heavy.

Culture baking these treats at home provides opportunity celebrate french cuisine while also impressing those who love their classics.

The Healthy Side Of Profiteroles With Chocolate

However much one may feel like they’re giving in every now and again; indulging oneself with something good isn’t always such bad idea after all! And besides what would life be without occasional treat? Just take look some surprising health benefits contained within each bite:

Antioxidants: It’s true! Chocolate has amount antioxidants known as flavonoids that help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals which cause inflammation thus promoting overall well-being throughout the body.

Portion Control: Profiteroles are usually small, so you can have a sweet treat without overdoing it. Indulging in a few profiteroles helps satisfy your sweet tooth without consuming too many calories.

How to Make Profiteroles with Chocolate: A Step-by-Step Guide

Now that we’ve discussed the history and benefits of Profiteroles with Chocolate: A Decadent Dessert Recipe, it’s time to get baking in the kitchen. Here is a complete guide on how to make profiteroles at home starting from making the choux pastry all the way down to creating the perfect chocolate sauce.


For the Choux Pastry:

1 cup water

1/2 cup unsalted butter, cubed

1 tablespoon sugar

1/4 teaspoon salt

1 cup all-purpose flour

4 large eggs

For the Filling:

1 cup heavy cream

2 tablespoons powdered sugar

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Optional: 1/2 cup pastry cream or vanilla ice cream

For the Chocolate Sauce:

1 cup dark chocolate, finely chopped

1/2 cup heavy cream

2 tablespoons unsalted butter

1 tablespoon light corn syrup (optional, for shine)


Step 1: Make Choux Pastry Preheat Oven: Begin by preheating your oven to 400°F (200°C). Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

Boil Water and Butter: In a medium-sized saucepan, combine water, butter, sugar, and salt. Heat over medium heat until butter has fully melted and mixture begins boiling.

Add Flour: Remove saucepan from heat then quickly add flour all at once. Stir vigorously using a wooden spoon until mixture forms smooth ball that pulls away from pan’s sides.

Cool Dough: Allow dough to cool for about five minutes; this prevents eggs from cooking when added.

Incorporate Eggs: Beat each egg one by one into cooled dough. At first, batter will appear lumpy but as you continue mixing it should turn smooth and shiny. The final consistency should be thick enough to hold its shape.

Pipe Dough: Transfer dough into piping bag fitted with large round tip then pipe small mounds of about 1 1/2 inches diameter onto prepared baking sheet leaving two inches gap in between them.

Bake Pastry: Bake choux pastry in preheated oven for around 20-25 minutes until puffs are golden brown and crispy. Do not open oven door during baking as this can cause puffs to deflate.

Cool Puffs: Once baked, take profiteroles out of oven and set them on wire rack to cool completely hollow on inside crisp outside.

Step 2: Make Filling Whip Cream: In a large mixing bowl, combine heavy cream, powdered sugar, and vanilla extract. Use electric mixer to whisk cream until stiff peaks form taking care not to over whip which can lead to grainy cream.

How to Fill Profiteroles

Fill the Profiteroles: Once the choux puffs are completely cool, use a small knife to make a small slit in the side of each puff. Alternatively, you can poke a hole in the bottom. Fill each puff with the whipped cream using a piping bag fitted with a small round tip. If you prefer, you can also fill the profiteroles with pastry cream or a small scoop of vanilla ice cream.

Step 3: Make the Chocolate Sauce

Heat the Cream: In a small saucepan, heat the heavy cream over medium heat until it just begins to simmer. Be careful not to let it boil.

Melt the Chocolate: Place the chopped chocolate in a heatproof bowl. Pour the hot cream over the chocolate and let it sit for 2-3 minutes to melt the chocolate.

Stir Until Smooth: Add the butter and light corn syrup (if using) to the chocolate mixture. Stir until all of it is melted and smooth and glossy.

Step 4: Assemble The Profiteroles

Plate The Profiteroles: Arrange filled profiteroles on serving platter or individual dessert plates.

Drizzle With Chocolate: Drizzle generously warm chocolate sauce over profiteroles. If you want thicker coating of chocolate, dip each profiterole into sauce before plating them.

Serve Immediately: It’s best eaten immediately after assembling them while still crispy outside and warm inside.

Variations of Profiteroles with Chocolate

While nothing beats classic Profiteroles with Chocolate: A Decadent Dessert Recipe, there are several variations that you could try out so as not to get bored;

White Chocolate Profiteroles – Use white cocoa instead of dark one for sweeter taste which is more creamy too plus adding some raspberry sauce might give fruity contrast as well if desired.

Caramel Profiteroles – Instead of caramel drizzle your profitorols with homemade caramel sauce so it has rich flavors but still light pastry cream filling in between layers.

Nutty Profiteroles – To create crunchiness effect just sprinkle chopped toasted nuts such as almonds or hazelnuts over top after pouring chocolate sauce. This will also enhance overall flavor profile of the dessert.

Tropical Profiteroles – Fill them with coconut cream or mango custard then use white chocoalte based sauce on top for lighter fruitier taste if preferred too.

Espresso Profiteroles – Incorporate coffee into it by adding espresso powder to the chocolate sauce or using coffee-flavoured pastry cream when making fillings. Such recipe combination tends make more sophisticated treat mainly targeted at adults who love desserts like these ones.

Pairing Profiteroles With Drinks

To take your Profiteroles with Chocolate: A Decadent Dessert Recipe experience up a notch, you could consider matching this dish with suitable drinks;

Champagne – The bubbly nature of champagne goes well together with richness found within profitorols hence making them perfect for celebrations or any other special occasion worth remembering.

Coffee – Strong espresso or cappuccino would be ideal choices owing their ability cut through sweetness levels present in profitorols thus enabling one appreciate contrasting tastes better while enjoying such kind dessert course meal.

Dessert Wine – Sweet Moscato wine enhances flavors associated with both dark creamy elements brought forth by chocolate itself as well cream part used during preparation process thus creating an amazing blend of aromas that can only be achieved through harmonious pairing like this one here which involves serving wine alongside dish containing confectionery ingredients.

Hot Chocolate – Rich velvety hot chocolate poured over platefuls filled crispy pastries is truly out worldly experience that should not miss anyone’s list when it comes down to things do winter season

Port: Port wine has deep fruity notes which pairs well with the chocolate and cream flavors found in profiteroles, providing a richer taste to the dessert.

Tips for Making Perfect Profiteroles with Chocolate

Use Quality Ingredients: The quality of your ingredients will determine whether or not your profiteroles turn out great. For best results, choose high-quality chocolate, fresh cream and good butter.

Practice Makes Perfect: Choux pastry can be quite challenging especially for beginners; hence do not expect perfection in your first attempt. You will eventually get it right as you practice more and achieve desired consistency as well as shape.

Watch the Oven Closely: It takes only minutes for perfectly baked profiterole to turn into an overdone one. In this regard therefore, you need to closely monitor them during final stages of baking so that they do not burn.

Serve Fresh: Profiteroles are meant to be eaten immediately after preparation because its texture changes when stored for long hours. However, if there is need to make them ahead of time then bake choux pastry only storing in air tight container before filling and topping with chocolate just before serving so as to retain its best texture as well as flavor.


Profiteroles with Chocolate – A Decadent Dessert Recipe is a classic treat that never gets old fashioned neither fails impressing people. The reason behind its continuous popularity all over the world lies on delicate choux pastry used coupled with creamy fillings covered by thick rich chocolate sauce which brings about softness in every bite taken from it. Whether new into baking or having mastered art making pastries professionally for years now, making profiteroles affords opportunity of showcasing talents while indulging oneself into pure luxury at same time.

By following steps provided within this manual; you should end up creating visually stunning batch of profiteroles whose taste buds cannot resist any longer after being privileged enough tasting such wonder piece ever made by human hands. Therefore, if there is anything that can sweeten your day more than anything else today then try out making some chocolate filled profiteroles.


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