Cobblestone Steak: A French Steakhouse Classic

Steak cooking is considered an art in French cuisine. Out of all different types and methods, one that stands as the most iconic dish of the French steakhouses is Pavé steak. Pavé steak is known for its thick, juicy texture and a strong taste appeal that makes it luxurious yet satisfying to eat. So what exactly is Pavé steak and why do people love it so much? In this blog post we are going to talk about what Pavé steak really means, where it comes from or how should you cook it if you want your guests appreciate this dish.

What is Pavé Steak?

Before we proceed any further with explaining how to prepare or serve Pavé Steak let’s clarify what it actually means and why is important within the context of french culinary traditions. The french word “pavé” translates directly into English as “cobblestone”. This name describes perfectly well what does meat look like when served on a plate – like pieces of cobblestones laid out next to each other on street pavement. But more importantly pavé refers to large square shaped cuts taken from either sirloin or rump portion of beef but always very thick.

The thickness of such cut distinguishes pavé steak from other types because they give much stronger flavour which many people adore about them being cooked in french steakhouses.

It’s true that pavé steak can be cooked differently depending on preferences but usually chefs prefer searing outside while keeping inside rare or medium-rare at most. As a result such meat turns out extremely tasty due to its rich beefy taste combined with various sauces served alongside being loved by those who love good quality steaks made according to classic recipes.

Origins Of The Name & The Dish Itself

To understand why Pavé Steak has become beloved among French steakhouses, it would help us know little bit more about where did this dish come from originally. Although no one knows for sure when exactly pavé steak was invented or who did so first but we can still say that its popularity is closely linked to french beef butchering and cooking traditions. Cattle farming has always been big business in France especially around places like Charolles as well Burgundy where meat quality tends be exceptional.

The French method of preparing steaks places an emphasis on the natural flavours inherent within meat itself without having rely heavily upon marinades etc., and pavé steak exemplifies these values perfectly. By choosing thicker cuts taken somewhere between rump and sirloin sections, chefs allow more taste through without needing much added seasoning or marinating products thus ensuring they use good ingredients properly cooked which help to build reputation among locals who frequent their establishments regularly.

Choosing The Best Pavé Steak

If you want your Pavé Steak to taste great, there are a few things you should keep in mind when picking out the meat:

Cut – Look for thick cuts of beef from either sirloin or rump region; at least 1.5 – 2 inches would do fine as anything less might not cook evenly all way inside while still remaining juicy throughout.

Marbling – This term refers lightly fatty lines running through lean parts within muscles called “marble” effect created by these fats provides extra tenderness & juiciness during cooking process hence more flavourful results afterwards too; thus choose even marbled pieces so that every bite becomes exquisite experience filled with rich flavors.

Quality – Whenever possible try getting grass fed high quality beef which tends have deeper complex taste compared grain fed ones also buying such type from reputable butcher shops specialty stores guarantees good grade cut

Freshness: When it comes to steak, nothing is more important than freshness. Ensure the meat is bright red in color and shows no signs of being discolored. Also, the steak should be firm to touch and have a clean, fresh smell.

Preparing Pavé Steak: A Step-by-Step Guide

So now that you’ve picked out your Pavé Steak, it’s time to prepare it. Cooking a Pavé Steak is an art that requires attention to detail but can be done at home with some easy steps for restaurant quality results. Here’s how you can make the best Pavé Steak at home:

Bring Steak to Room Temperature

Remove Pavé Steak from the refrigerator and let sit at room temperature for about 30 minutes before cooking it. This is important because it allows the steak to cook evenly throughout its thick cut. If cooked straight from the fridge, an overcooked exterior may result while leaving the inside underdone.

Seasoning The Steak

Generously season Pavé Steak with coarse sea salt and freshly ground black pepper. You can use more seasoning than normal since pavé steaks are thicker cuts which will bring out more of its natural flavor.

3.Preheat The Pan or Grill

For best results use a heavy duty skillet such as cast iron pan or hot grill when cooking steak . Preheat pan or grill over high heat until very hot. High heat is necessary for good sear which seals juices inside meat creating crusty surface on top and bottom sides of cooked through portion(s) only — usually one third – half way up from each edge towards centerline.

4.Sear The Steak

When pan or grill gets hot add small amount vegetable oil (high smoke point) like canola oil then place steak onto grates\pan using tongs not fork sear about 2-3 minutes per side until golden brown crust forms around outside edges flipping once during this process if desired thicker crust can be achieved by searing additional minute each side.

5.Finish Cooking in the Oven (Optional)

If the Pavé Steak is particularly thick, you may need to finish cooking it in the oven. Preheat your oven to 180°C (350°F). After searing your steak transfer it into an oven-safe pan or baking dish and bake for 5-10 minutes depending on how well done you want it.

6.Check for Doneness

Use a meat thermometer to check the doneness of your steak. Depending on whether you want Rare, Medium Rare or Medium cooked pavé steak; the internal temperature should be around 52°C (125°F), 57°C(135°F) & 63 °C(145°F) respectively. Keep in mind that after being removed from heat source steaks continue cooking therefore remove them few degrees below preferred level as they will rise during resting period which follows next step.

7.Rest The Steak

Once done cooking take off fire and allow standing for about five – ten minutes so that juiciness spreads throughout resulting more tender flavorful beefsteak.

8.Slice And Serve

When ready slice across grain which would make meat fibers shorter hence tenderer served with favorite accompaniments such as mashed potatoes gravy, fresh vegetables sautéed mushrooms etcetera as highlighted further down this article.

Sauces and Additives for Pavé Steak

This French steakhouse specialty can be paired with a variety of sauces and side dishes, which is why it remains so popular. Here are some traditional options:

Béarnaise Sauce: A classic French sauce made from clarified butter, egg yolks, white wine vinegar and herbs. It is creamy but tangy enough to go well with the strong flavor of beef in pavé steak.

Red Wine Reduction: This sauce is created by reducing red wine together with shallots, garlic and beef stock until it thickens up and develops richer taste. The deep savory flavours in red wine reduction work beautifully with this meaty dish.

Peppercorn Sauce: Crushed peppercorns mixed into cream then brandy added gives you a sauce that adds some heat to pave steak without overpowering its inherent taste buds.

Garlic Herb Butter: Soften butter mixed with minced garlic cloves plus some fresh herbs like parsley or thyme creates an easy yet yummy accompaniment that will bring out more richness in flavor when melted over hot steaks.

Mushroom Sauce: Sauté mushrooms until they start browning then add shallots followed by garlic next white wine before finally finishing off with cream; this luxurious topping works best on pavé steaks because earthy mushroom flavors blend perfectly with beef aromas.

Perfect Side Dishes for Pavé Steak

A good steak dinner always needs great sides! When serving pavé steak think about these classic French influenced dishes:

Pommes Frites: These thin crispy french fries make for perfect accompaniments alongside pave itself as their crunchy texture contrasts well against tender cuts found within it making any bite more satisfying than ever before had been imagined possible!.

Gratin Dauphinois: Potatoes sliced thinly, baked together along layers of rich creaminess derived from cheese & cream; The gratin dauphinois serves as an excellent complementing dish when eating pave since it brings an extra touch of indulgence into every mouthful.

Haricots Verts: French style green beans fried up with some garlic in butter until they become crisp yet still retain its freshness by being al dente; They offer just enough lightness needed against richness found within meats such as pave steak.

Ratatouille: A vegetable stew originating from Provence comprised mainly eggplants, zucchinis tomatoes bell peppers which are all cooked down slowly until flavors meld together creating something truly magical indeed – especially if served alongside pavé steaks!

Roasted Root Vegetables: Carrots parsnips potatoes roasted together till caramelized outside while remaining soft inside then seasoned using herbs and olive oil; The sweet earthiness brought about by these vegetables pairs so well against savory nature possessed by any cut made out of beef like pave itself.

Wine Pairings for Pavé Steak

You can enhance your experience when having pavé steak by matching it with the best wine. Some classic options include:

Bordeaux: Full-bodied red wines hailing from France’s Bordeaux region that boast rich dark fruit flavours coupled with hints of tobacco and leather; Being deep in both taste & complexity makes this drink a great partner for most paves.

Cabernet Sauvignon Another great choice of red wine that matches perfectly with steaks because it gives out strong tannins along blackcurrant spicy cedar flavors which go hand in glove with meaty richness.

Syrah/Shiraz: These two names refer to the same varietal but depending on where you’re from will determine whether people call them syrah or shiraz; This grape produces peppery smoky styled wines having bold blackberry jammy characters hence making such cuvees perfect for pairing alongside pave steaks.

Malbec: Red wines characterized by their soft tannins plum cocoa undertones which work best when consumed next to dishes like pave steak which have savory juicy qualities.

Merlot: A medium-bodied red wine with soft tannins and flavors of red fruit and chocolate. Merlot is a versatile wine that complements a variety of steak dishes, including Pavé Steak.

The Cultural Significance of Pavé Steak in French Cuisine

Pavé Steak is not only one of the most popular dishes but also holds an important place in French culinary culture. In France, steak is not just a meal – it’s an experience. The choice of cut, cooking method used and sides/sauces paired with it all contribute towards making this dining experience memorable.

Pavé Steak often appears as a premium offering on menus at traditional French steakhouses where chefs are known for their expertise in meat preparation; thus showcasing how good food should always be made according to strict standards set by tradition. No matter where you eat it (fine dining restaurant or homemade), Pavé Steak represents what French eating out stands for.

How to Serve Pavé Steak for Special Occasions

Whether you’re planning a romantic dinner, holiday feast or simply having some friends over – serving Pavé Steak will surely impress your guests! Below are few tips on how to best do so:

Presentation: Pay attention to how steak looks when served up; use warm plates if possible & let sauce fall artistically over or around meat then garnish with lively herbs like parsley for added vibrancy.

Course Pairing: Try incorporating this dish into multi-course meals starting off with light appetizers such as salads or soups followed by steak being main course and finish everything up nicely by having classic french desserts like crème brûlée or tarte Tatin.

Wine Service: Always select high-quality wines which go well together with steaks; present them along with explanation why they were chosen before pouring out glasses…this will definitely bring more elegance into whole process!

Accompaniments: When selecting what goes next to your chop always remember that whatever you choose should not overpower its taste; rather keep everything balanced but complementary so that meat remains star ingredient on plate.

Ambiance: Soft lighting, elegant table settings & some background music – all these things help create an unforgettable dining experience therefore do not forget about setting up proper atmosphere while cooking pavé steak at home for special occasions!

Why You Should Try Making Pavé Steak at Home

Many people associate PavÉ Steak exclusively with fancy restaurants but truth is anyone can prepare it within their kitchen walls successfully. By doing so, one has control over quality of ingredients used as well as level doneness achieved. It does not matter whether one is an expert or amateur cook because mastering this dish will always leave everyone impressed starting from closest relatives up to distant acquaintances.

Also, preparing PavÉ Steak domestically lets you play around different sauces, sides and wines thereby ensuring personalized dining experiences are created. The correct techniques plus little practice can enable a person bring French steakhouse flavors right into his/her kitchen.

Conclusion: Experience the French Steakhouse Culture with Pavé Steak

To sum up, Pavé Steak is a typical French steakhouse favorite that represents the richness, heritage, and culinary skills of French cooking. Pavé Steak whether eaten at a restaurant or made at home brings together luxury and satisfaction in dining. This can be achieved by knowing where it comes from, how to prepare it well as considering appropriate sauces, accompaniments and wines which make for great meal that honours french cuisine.

Therefore when you want to make your dinner menu more exciting try preparing Pavé Steak. Its strong taste, soft texture and beautiful appearance will not only satisfy you but also leave an impression on anyone who eats it cooked correctly. Have the experience of a French steakhouse as you enjoy this classic dish—Pavé Steak.


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