Leek vinaigrette

Leek vinaigrette is a classic French dish of tender leeks dressed in a tangy mustard vinaigrette, finished with herbs, croutons and chopped eggs, it’s an elegant starter or a great side dish.

Egg vinaigrette (4 portions)

170g Rapeseed oil
40g Dijon mustard
40g Cabernet sauvignon
¼ Lemon (juice)
¼ Garlic (clove, grated)
Salt + pepper

75g Egg white (cooked, chopped)
20g Egg yolk (cooked, grated)
5g Parsley (chopped)

  1. Start by boiling your eggs, cook in boiling water for 10 minutes. Run under a cold tap to stop them cooking then peel and chop.

  2. Whisk together all ingredients apart from the oil, slowly add oil like you are making a mayonnaise, when thick finish with chopped egg and parsley.

Leeks (2 portions)

4 Leeks
Olive oil
Salt + pepper
Chopped chives
Lemon zest
Sourdough crouton

  1. Season the leeks with oil and salt + pepper. Place under a hot grill until completely black all over. Leave to cool down slightly then peel and portion.

  2. Cover the cooked leeks with the egg vinaigrette, croutons, lemon zest, chives a little olive oil and seasoning on the leeks.


Steak frites


Moules à la crème